Belgian couple name baby Barça

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Barcelona have a very special club member since last month - a Belgian baby boy named Barça Beeckman.

The tot was born on April 26 in Sint-Truiden and since July, he is a member of the Catalan club No 185,508.

Barça Beeckman with father Wesley Beeckman and mother Anneke Maes
Barça Beeckman with father Wesley Beeckman and mother Anneke Maes


Father Wesley Beeckman, 23, and mother Anneke Maes, 24, chose this name inspired by the chorus of the Blaugrana anthem "tinc a name el sap tothom, Barça, Barça, Barça" (I have a name that everybody knows, Barça, Barça, Barça).

During the pregnancy the couple could not reach an agreement for a name for the baby as they did not want to know the sex until he was born. In the end they settled on the name Lona if the baby was a girl.

With a decision about the name if it was a boy in full swing the pair were watching the Azulgrana play when Anneke had a bright idea.

"Suddenly, I said to my husband that if we had a boy then would he want to call him Barça," she told Barcelona's website.

"He turned towards me and winked before saying 'yes, that is the name of my son'.

"My family did not know what to say at the start and they were not keen, but now they are used to the name.

"People had to ask me twice what his name was early on and everyone has said it is the first time they have heard the name used."

Anneke added: "We hope that when he grows up that he will like his name and understand why we gave it to him."

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