Wayne Rooney still uses half-price voucher at restaurant

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Despite their £35 million fortune, it is clear Wayne Rooney and wife Coleen still love a bargain, with reports claiming the multi-millionaire couple used a half-price voucher to pay for dinner at a local restaurant.

The Manchester United forward took Coleen to the Gusto restaurant in Alderley Edge, Cheshire, not far from their home last week.

The pair had their £27.80 food bill slashed to just £13.90.

An unnamed source told News of the World: "They are regulars there. It’s very near their home and they often go there for dinner. Gusto had a promotion for half-price food.

"They came into the restaurant with one of the vouchers and when Wayne came to pay he handed it over.

"The waitress thought it was really sweet. They may be mega rich but it shows that, in many ways, they are just a normal down-to-earth couple."

The source added: "Everybody loves a special offer. Wayne and Coleen are no different.

"They come from working class roots and if they had the voucher then why not use it?

"Wayne’s boss at Manchester United Alex Ferguson told his players they shouldn’t be flash with their cash during the credit crunch and Wayne has obviously taken his words to heart.

"They could have afforded this meal millions of times over but they try to save the cash where they can."

For their discount meal Wayne ate a £5.95 chicken starter followed by a £8.95 spaghetti bolognese. Health conscious Coleen, who is on a fitness drive after putting on half a stone since her wedding to Wayne last year, ate soup at £3.95 followed by a low fat grilled chicken salad costing £8.95.

The half-price offer covered food only, so the couple received no discount on their £2.55 drinks bills for an orange juice and a bottle of still water.

Rooney did however leave a very generous tip of £5, which was around 30 percent of the total bill.

Gusto might well get another visit from the Rooneys on Valentine’s Day, but looks like the couple will have to dig a little deeper, though, as the half-price offer has ended.

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